Wednesday 22 October 2008

Letter three.

I want to talk to you today about music. I love music. My life would be utterly boring and not worth living, if I didn't have my life soundtrack. If I for some weird reason had to choose between going blind or going deaf, I would definitely choose blind. A lot of people wouldn't, I think. A lot of people would rather choose deaf. But not me. I have heard somewhere that deaf people can 'hear' the music through the beat or the vibrations or something, but that wouldn't be enough for me. I need the real thing, and preferably loud. Unless I wear headphones, then I keep it at a sensible level, because if I didn't I actually would go deaf, which would just be the biggest irony ever. Anyway, the reason for this very bold and enthusiastic statement (the 'I would go blind' one), is a new album I recently purchased. Now, just to make it absolutely clear; I don't benefit financially or artistically in any way from this album, unfortunately!, it is just a bloody brilliant album, and listening to it makes my heart sing, warms my soul and puts a smile on my face.

We are talking about Norwegian electronica (What?!?? – you might say – I thought they only did Death Metal!). I have no idea what kind of music you like, or even if you like music at all (a lot of people have a very indifferent attitude to music, which I just find very strange, but who am I to judge). Anyway, the band is called Ugress (which means weed in Norwegian), and their most recent album is called Unicorn. It is one of those albums that sneak up on you. If you are a fan of music you will know what I mean. The first time you listen to it, you go; yeah, that's okay. The second time you listen to it you go; hey, cool. The third time you listen to it, you go; bloody freaking fucking hell, this is brilliant! And the funniest thing is, Mr. Izzard that one of the songs on this album actually made me think of you… I am talking about The Ultimate Fix, and the lyrics go:

I'm gonna start everyone
With my high heeled kicks
And make your head spin faster
I'm the ultimate fix

Don't know if you agree, but that could be you.And if you get curious now and want to check out this band and this song, you should also check out the other stuff they do. They are quite simply brilliant! And just to mention it again; I don't benefit financially or artistically in any way, I just see it as my duty to save as many souls as I can by introducing them to music worth listening to.

All the best, until next time.

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