Tuesday 2 December 2008

Letter eight.

Dear Mr. Izzard,

It's been a while since my last letter. What can I say, other than: 'I have been very busy'. Working a full day job, having hobbies that take up more time than a full day's job, family, friends, cats, chores. The list is very long.

But I have also found time to unwind. Last Friday I went out with a friend of mine to a cocktail bar here in Copenhagen called Ruby, which looks exactly like someone's apartment, just with a huge bar in the corner and waiters running around serving drinks. Very cool place. We do this every two months or so, where we go out somewhere fancy, and have expensive drinks, and wear uncomfortable shoes. It's all about looking good, not comfort. We don't have many drinks, usually just two, we do quality rather than quantity on these evenings. We did end up having three drinks this time though, because they were very tasty. My three ones were a Violet Martini, an Apple Smash and a Redrum (the last one I had to have because it is the name of a song on the 'Unicorn' album by Ugress I mentioned in an earlier letter. And yes it was red, and looked very deadly, but there were no clairvoyant little boys). My friend had a Mango & Basil Daiquiri, an Almonds Are Forever and a Real Sweet Pear.

And as women usually do, we had a lot of things to discuss. One thing was 'Burn After Reading', the last Cohen-brothers movie. Damn, it is funny! John Malcovich is brilliant, George Clooney is the biggest asshole ever, Frances McDormand is the most neurotic, obsessed woman ever, and Brad Pitt is just class! I have never seen Brad Pitt in a funnier part, and he does it so well.

Anyway, that wasn't the most interesting discussion we had however. I am not quite sure how we got into talking about it, but we were wondering what kind of a guy we would be had we been born men rather than women. Now that is interesting! Can you take your female/male qualities and 'translate' to the opposite gender? Or would you basically start completely from scratch? My friend has a crush on Richard Gere at the moment, and she could definitely see herself as him. He is good looking, he is a Buddhist, so he meditates and is self aware, he is a humanitarian, and probably generally a very nice, caring person. As for me, we sort of ended on Woody Allen. He has big black glasses, he is artistic, creative, neurotic, and eccentric. But then we remembered the whole Soon-Yi incident, and I would definitely not marry my adoptive daughter. I am quite sure of this, even though I don't know what kind of man I would be if I was a man. I like Mia Farrow, 'Rosemary's Baby' is one of my all time favourite movies. Shame, what a shock it must have been for her! So then we thought maybe I would be more like Jude Law. And that is quite a big jump, I'll admit, from Woody Allen to Jude Law. But he is young, he is talented (I love 'Road to Perdition'), he is a bit of a bad boy, but then not really and he does charity. So maybe I would land somewhere in between Woody Allen and Jude Law. Then I would pick Jude Law's looks, age and 'bad boy'-attitude, and Woody Allen's artistic-ness and eccentricity. I think that would be a pretty cool combination. But then again, I could also just stay me. Being a woman, and being me, is pretty cool after all.

Hope all is well on your end.
All the best until next time.

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