Friday 27 March 2009

Letter ten.

Dear Mr. Izzard,

I am reading a book at the moment that I think will seriously change my life! Now if that isn't a bold statement to start a letter with, I don't know what is!

I am talking about 'The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People' by Steven Covey. As you may, or may not, know it is a book about seven ways to make yourself more effective both in your work and private life. I have only reached habit one, and already I can feel the difference in my way of thinking and behaving. Habit number one is: be proactive. The other day I was asked by my boss to solve a problem, that I - after hours of research - found out I wasn't able to solve. Now, before I read this book I would have stressed my ass of thinking of how to tell my boss that I wasn't able to solve the problem, and worry about her reaction. But now, after reading about proactive thinking, I instead focused on finding other ways to fix the problem, and come up with some suggestions for what we could do. It totally worked! Not only did I not stress, but my boss could see that I had made an effort to solve the problem, and didn't worry about the fact that we still had to find a way to figure it out.
Now, thinking proactively might sound like the most obvious thing in the world, but for me it wasn't at all. It was the biggest lightbulb moment ever, when I read about it. So now I can't wait continue reading, and I'll be sure to tell you about any other a-ha moment I might have!

Hope you are doing well.
Best regards.

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